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What Can I Do with IMPLAN?

Posted by Joe Demski on December 13, 2019

Decision makers and business leaders are constantly looking for new ways to make their organizations smarter. Economic insight is key to achieving financial goals. IMPLAN has the technology you need in order to unlock economic opportunity.

So, what is IMPLAN? IMPLAN is a platform that combines a set of extensive databases, economic factors, multipliers, and demographic statistics with a highly refined, customizable modeling system. Together, our application and robust data allows you to:

  • Gain insight into an industry's contributions to a region 
  • Quantify the impact of a shock to an economy
  • Examine the effects of an existing or emerging business 
  • Model the economic impacts of changes to business operations
  • Study events specific to the economy of a region’s economy, and more.

IMPLAN data is aggregated from multiple sources and is compiled into a  546-sector scheme and framework. The data sources include the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and more. Non-disclosures exist within these data sources, so our team fills in the gaps left by non-disclosures. Beyond reconciling data sources and filling in for non-disclosures, we add additional value by estimating finer geographic scales—calculating more granular data based on what is existing—and providing inter-county trade flow data. 

The data and platform have the ability to perform a number of detailed analyses and provide solutions to an ever-increasing amount of questions. How can IMPLAN provide economic insight for you? Start with a question that you want answered.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Contribution Analysis, Methodology, Association, Tourism, Impact, Economic Development, Corporation

2018 Data Season is Here

Posted by Joe Demski on November 7, 2019

It is that time of year again! IMPLAN Data Year 2018 is upon us. Beyond our annual improvements, you will find two significant updates to this year’s iteration of our annual data.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

The Many Tributaries of Big Data: Where Does U.S. Economic Data Come From?

Posted by Tim French on April 9, 2019

Economic data flows and collects from sources both varied and unique. But which sources are significant and why? And how complex does this world of big data get when it comes to trying to explore the economic landscape? Cue Ms. Frizzle’s “Seatbelts, everyone!” line and let’s take a tour of economic data sources on the Magic School Bus!

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

Translating Real-World Survey Results into an Economic Impact Analysis

Posted by Tim French on March 21, 2019

Ever since the likes of IBM’s Watson, Google Trends, and Bloomberg Terminal emerged, data-driven decision making shifted from fad to fixture in the business world. But the fundamental shift that big data made in the world of research didn’t change which questions to ask, but rather how we ask those questions. Or, as Douglas Adams might say, you need to really know what you’re asking before you switch on Deep Thought.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

Why Selecting the Right Sector or Commodity Matters: Modeling with Margins

Posted by Tim French on March 6, 2019

No two sectors (or businesses) are alike. One fundamental differentiator is that some sectors make goods and some sectors distribute goods as a service. This simple but substantial distinction can significantly affect the quality or range of your results while modeling economic impacts.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

Economics of E-Scooters (Part 2): E-Scooter vs. TriMet Net Analysis

Posted by Tim French on February 26, 2019

Barely more than a year ago, e-scooters suddenly flooded city streets across the country. But their presence wasn’t always met with enthusiasm. Antagonistic cities and towns cited public health concerns, street congestion, and even harassment as cause for banning the popular short-trip transportation option altogether.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

Economics of E-scooters (Part 1)

Posted by Vanessa Remmers on February 15, 2019

When scooters swooped into Richmond, Virginia overnight last August, battle lines emerged just as fast. Like other cities where the electric, dockless flock cropped up with little to no warning, some decried while others praised the newcomers. Several groups of residents urged government leaders to roll out the welcome mat instead of red tape, but politicians voiced concerns about safety as they issued directives to squash the permit-less scooters.  

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

The Economic Impact of Increasing Exports of Vibranium from Wakanda

Posted by Tim French on March 22, 2018
The aim of this study is to examine the economic impacts of increasing exports of Vibranium from the African nation of Wakanda. With the recent exposure of Wakandan technology and abundant vibranium resources on the global stage, many have begun to ponder what impact such an increase would have on the already wealthy country.
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Topics: Data, Technology

Robots Aren't Killing Jobs... They're Changing the Economy.

Posted by Adam Smith on February 7, 2018

Technology has been scary lately if you’re employed in manual labor.

Every few weeks in the news cycle it seems as though apocalyptic headlines like “Technology could kill 5 million jobs by 2020 ” or “Robots will destroy our jobs – and we're not ready for it ” creep above the fold.

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Topics: Employment, Skill Biased Technical Change, Technology


Put simply, IMPLAN is built for everyone.

Together, our software and data give you a window into your region of study — like one gigantic transaction log for the local economy. Chances are that if your project or business has a financial component, then IMPLAN can reveal some sometimes surprising detail about how your project relates to the local, state, or national economy.

What used to take economists weeks can be done in minutes. By anyone!

But you're not alone, IMPLAN's best benefits go beyond the work done in the tool:

  • Easy to learn and use
  • Outstanding customer support
  • Access to orientations, trainings, and project consultations
  • Instills confidence in your analyses

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