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Extreme Heat: The Cost of Climate Change

Posted by Chandler West & Maria Lucas on July 23, 2024

This summer, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that residential customers will see their monthly electricity bills average $173 from June to August, up from last summer's $168. This 3% increase is due to households consuming an additional 30 kilowatt hours of energy each month compared to last year. Some estimates predict an even sharper rise, with costs expected to be 8% higher from June to September compared to the previous year.

The Energy Hardship Report by the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate and the National Energy Assistance Directors Association revealed that in March, 34.3% of households reported forgoing basic necessities to cover their energy bills at least once in the past year. To understand the impact of rising cooling costs, we assume that 34.3% of American households, or nearly 44 million households, will reduce non-electricity spending by 3% from June to August.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Environmental, Methodology

Expanding Horizons: Updated IMPLAN International Product

Posted by Chandler West on July 11, 2024

We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to our International Product – an expansion that opens up a world of possibilities for economic analysis. With the addition of 10 new countries to our database, we're now covering a total of 76 countries, empowering users with broader insights and deeper understanding across diverse economies.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

NAICS Codes 101: Understanding Industry Classification with IMPLAN

Posted by Chandler West on July 3, 2024

When you’re delving into economic analysis, you'll often encounter North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. NAICS codes (pronounced like “snakes” without the “s”) are essential for categorizing businesses and understanding economic data. 

In today’s blog, we’ll break down what NAICS codes are, how they correspond with IMPLAN sectors, and why they matter for your economic impact analysis.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology

Understanding IMPLAN: Measures of GDP

Posted by Joe Demski on June 30, 2024

If you review the results of an IMPLAN economic impact study, you will not find GDP listed in the results. Naturally the question arises, "What is the GDP?" Within IMPLAN results, that value is actually demonstrated in multiple ways. 

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a region in a given period of time (usually a quarter or year). GDP is the sum of value added at every stage of production (the intermediate stages) for all final goods and services produced within a region in a given period of time. In other words, GDP is the wealth created by industry activity.

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology, Impact

Understanding IMPLAN: Multipliers

Posted by Joe Demski on May 14, 2024

The foundation upon which IMPLAN economic impact analyses are built is the input-output (I-O) model, and the basis for I-O models are multipliers. Multipliers are rates of change that describe how a given change in a particular industry generates impacts in the overall economy (e.g. for every dollar spent in the economy an additional $0.25 of economic activity is generated locally, implying a multiplier of 1.25). What multipliers represent and how they are calculated can vary significantly. 

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Topics: Data, Economics, Technology, Methodology, Impact

New in IMPLAN Cloud: Updated Canada Provincial Data

Posted by Chandler West on February 16, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the latest update of our Canada Provincial Product, with data from 2020! At IMPLAN, we are committed to providing our users with the most accurate and comprehensive economic data to drive informed decision-making and analysis.

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Topics: Data

A Trusted Resource: Understanding IMPLAN Input-Output Models

Posted by Jenny Thorvaldson & Chandler West on January 23, 2024

Over the years, IMPLAN has gained the trust of users by providing valid and reliable data and analytics. In this blog post, we’re exploring the history of IMPLAN and of input-output models to show you how we’ve come to be relied on as a credible source for so many researchers and decision makers. 

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Topics: Data, Economics, Methodology, Impact

New in IMPLAN Cloud: Updated Occupation Data

Posted by Chandler West on January 11, 2024

IMPLAN’s ever-expanding data suite just got even better. We’re excited to announce the release of our newest occupation data. This latest release comes with significant updates and enhancements that offer valuable insights into occupational trends and their impact on the economy.

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Topics: Data, Economics, announcement, Impact, occupation data

Now Available: 2022 Data

Posted by Chandler West on November 29, 2023

Data season is here! At IMPLAN, we mark the holiday season with our annual data release. That means 2022 data has arrived in the IMPLAN Cloud application.

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Topics: Data

Taking IMPLAN’s Occupation Data and Expanded Demographic Data for a Spin

Posted by Wes Morgan & Chandler West on March 20, 2023

Did you know that information on regional education levels can be found in IMPLAN Cloud and Data Library? Both our occupation data (available now!) and expanded demographic data (coming soon!) offer insights into educational attainment in all geographies available in IMPLAN within the United States.

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Topics: Data, occupation data


Put simply, IMPLAN is built for everyone.

Together, our software and data give you a window into your region of study — like one gigantic transaction log for the local economy. Chances are that if your project or business has a financial component, then IMPLAN can reveal some sometimes surprising detail about how your project relates to the local, state, or national economy.

What used to take economists weeks can be done in minutes. By anyone!

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