As a driver of informed decision making, IMPLAN Cloud is used at all levels of government to drive policy changes and sound legislation. Many associations and organizations across the country use IMPLAN Cloud in their lobbying efforts. One such organization is the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association (PMA), the lobbying efforts of which are headed up by Executive Director Carl A. Marrara.
Influencing Legislation with IMPLAN Cloud: How the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association Uses Economic Impact Analysis for Lobbying
Topics: Economics, Advocacy, Government
Quantify Your Economic Impact in Any Congressional District
When conducting any economic impact study, defining where an impact is felt is critical. Whether analyzing the nationwide impact of an industry or the contribution that business makes in a specific zip code, IMPLAN’s economic data and modeling provide the insight you are seeking. Data is available for all geographic regions across the U.S. including all 435 congressional districts. This means that economic impact analyses can be run in any congressional district nationwide. Advocacy groups and leaders are utilizing this data to bolster their advocacy efforts, communicate their value to elected officials, and influence legislation.
Topics: Data, Economics, Contribution Analysis, Association, Impact, Advocacy, Government, Congressional Districts