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A Trusted Resource: Understanding IMPLAN Input-Output Models

Posted by Jenny Thorvaldson & Chandler West on January 23, 2024

Over the years, IMPLAN has gained the trust of users by providing valid and reliable data and analytics. In this blog post, we’re exploring the history of IMPLAN and of input-output models to show you how we’ve come to be relied on as a credible source for so many researchers and decision makers. 

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Topics: Data, Economics, Methodology, Impact

New in IMPLAN Cloud: Updated Occupation Data

Posted by Chandler West on January 11, 2024

IMPLAN’s ever-expanding data suite just got even better. We’re excited to announce the release of our newest occupation data. This latest release comes with significant updates and enhancements that offer valuable insights into occupational trends and their impact on the economy.

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Topics: Data, Economics, announcement, Impact, occupation data

Introducing IMPLAN’s First Quick Start Guide

Posted by Chandler West on December 5, 2023

Economic impact analysis isn’t just for those with years of experience in the field of economics anymore. 

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Topics: Economics, announcement, Impact, Education

IMPLAN’s User Interface Redesign: Everything You Need to Know About the Newest Release

Posted by Chandler West on October 16, 2023

If you’ve logged into IMPLAN Cloud in the last month, you may have noticed that the app has undergone a makeover! While we frequently make updates and improvements to IMPLAN Cloud, we’re particularly excited about this batch of changes to our user interface. Our Product Development team has been hard at work making it easier than ever to perform economic impact analysis, and we’re so excited to show you what’s new in the IMPLAN Cloud application.

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Topics: Economics, Methodology, announcement

IMPLAN in the Classroom: How a Wingate Undergrad Became a Published Economics Researcher

Posted by Chandler West on August 22, 2023

IMPLAN Cloud makes it possible for anyone, even beginners, to conduct economic impact analysis  – just ask Livian Mai, the Wingate University marketing major who recently became a published economics researcher.

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Topics: Economics, Education

Beyond the Cloud: Discover the IMPLAN API

Posted by Chandler West on May 5, 2023

Did you know that the IMPLAN application programming interface (API) makes it possible for National Package subscribers to integrate IMPLAN Cloud with existing workflows and tools? With IMPLAN’s API, you can easily integrate IMPLAN Cloud impact analysis and data into any website, application, workflow, or visualization tool.

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Topics: Economics, announcement, Impact

Influencing Legislation with IMPLAN Cloud: How the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association Uses Economic Impact Analysis for Lobbying

Posted by Chandler West on March 30, 2023

As a driver of informed decision making, IMPLAN Cloud is used at all levels of government to drive policy changes and sound legislation. Many associations and organizations across the country use IMPLAN Cloud in their lobbying efforts. One such organization is the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association (PMA), the lobbying efforts of which are headed up by Executive Director Carl A. Marrara.

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Topics: Economics, Advocacy, Government

Get to Know the Shannon-Weaver Index of Economic Diversity

Posted by Jenny Thorvaldson on August 19, 2022

It’s important to keep an eye on economic diversity, especially in times of economic uncertainty and when supply and demand are shifting. The Shannon-Weaver index is a powerful tool for measuring how evenly or unevenly the employment in any region is distributed among its industries. In today’s blog, we’re exploring how the S-W index works in IMPLAN and what it means for your economic impact studies.

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Topics: Economics, Methodology

What is IMPLAN?

Posted by IMPLAN Staff on August 4, 2022

So, you’re hoping to gain insight and quantify the impact of an industry, a new or existing business, expected growth or changes, or a specific event to the economy of a particular region. Where do you even begin?

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Topics: Data, Economics, Methodology

IMPLAN and Renewable Energy: Understanding Offshore Wind Tax Credits

Posted by Chandler West on May 24, 2022

As renewable energies take center stage in political policies and public consciousness, IMPLAN is here to help you measure each project’s economic impact. Our recent post Resource Roundup: IMPLAN and Solar Energy focused on giving you the information you need to study the economic impact of a solar energy project. Much of that same information can also be applied to wind power projects. In today’s blog, we’re taking a look at the Offshore Wind Tax Credit Program and how IMPLAN can help you understand the economic impact of wind energy projects, whether you’re a developer, a state authority, or an accounting service provider.

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Topics: Economics, Funding, Environmental, Energy, "Taxes", Impact, Economic Development


Put simply, IMPLAN is built for everyone.

Together, our software and data give you a window into your region of study — like one gigantic transaction log for the local economy. Chances are that if your project or business has a financial component, then IMPLAN can reveal some sometimes surprising detail about how your project relates to the local, state, or national economy.

What used to take economists weeks can be done in minutes. By anyone!

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