There’s a saying in the office here at IMPLAN that goes something like “our clients are often way more creative than we are at finding ways to use the software.” That’s never been more true of the Rand corporation in their collaboration with the Louisiana State University in their joint 2-year research project “Economic Evaluation of Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana” which was commissioned by Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority in December of 2015.
Mistakes, we all make them. What if I told you that I could help you not make them? You’d probably be pretty happy, right? IMPLAN is a very useful tool and is easy to use when you know what all the terminology means. Luckily for you, IMPLAN offers a help desk where previous customers have probably asked the same questions that you may have. If not, it also allows you to post any questions and get a response. But in the interest of ease, here are a few of the common issues that IMPLAN users face and how to address them:
Topics: Data, Economics, Employment
A Look at Procuring New Markets Tax Credit Funding, Pt. 2
Two weeks ago, I published a post about the New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) Program in the spirit of this year’s tax season coming to a close. Continuing on the topic, I sat down with our Marketing Design Director, and author of our newest Case Study “Of Curds & Whey”, Tim French, to pick his brain a little on the company he chose to interview and highlight as an exemplar of NMTC allocations done right.
Topics: Funding, New Market Tax Credit
Since we’re currently in the middle of tornado season and on the heels of a prediction of an active 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, this would be an appropriate time for a discussion on natural disasters.
I’ve seen first-hand the destruction of natural disasters. I experienced Hurricanes Fran and Lloyd, plus the 2011 Super Outbreak of tornadoes while living in North Carolina and Alabama, respectively. It doesn’t take long after surveying the debris and downed trees or hearing the stories of survivors to realize the emotional and physical impacts of these events. But one thing that’s often talked about but harder to pin down is the economic impacts from nature’s fiercest displays of force.
That being said, let’s pose the question: “What results and trends can we expect when a natural disaster event occurs in a given region?” Seems simple enough, right? Well, the answer might be a little more complex than you’d expect.
Topics: Natural Disasters, Environmental
A Look at Procuring New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Funding
In the spirit of Tax Season ending this week, and the new tax year ahead, let’s revisit the topic of the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program. Across the country, low income communities lack much needed investment, funding, and care as is apparent by the state of disrepair many of them have fallen into. Enter the New Markets Tax Credit Program. As stated by the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI Fund’s) website, “the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program) aims to break [the] cycle of disinvestment” in low income communities “by attracting the private investment necessary to reinvigorate struggling local economies”. The NMTC Program is jointly administered by the CDFI Fund and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). While many communities and initiatives attempt to secure this elusive funding, only few are granted it due to the rigorous process that must be undergone to qualify.
Topics: Data, Funding, New Market Tax Credit
Understanding the importance of Economic Impact Analysis for Project Feasibility
We all know what happens when plans go awry. Money is lost, people lose their jobs, and buildings are abandoned mid-construction. One of the most common examples of poor planning is the Death Star. That’s right, the Death Star. From the famous Star Wars original trilogy, the Death Star conveys the idea of economic poor planning in matters of cost and execution. According to the Washington Post in January 2013, a petition reached the White House to build the Death Star. The White House of course denied the petition as it would be morally irresponsible to build a giant super weapon that could destroy worlds, and that its cost would be astronomically high (about 850 quadrillion dollars—that’s 850 with 15 zeros behind it).
Topics: Data, Feasibility Study
1. Intro
In recent years, there has been growing interest in using multiregional social accounting matrix (SAM) models. These models require reliable estimates of inter-regional trade. Because detailed data on the commodity-specific trade between counties are not available, several estimation techniques have been used.
Topics: Data
The Economic Impact of Increasing Exports of Vibranium from Wakanda
Topics: Data, Technology
What the Brewers Association Can Teach Us About Contribution and Impact Analyses
There’s never an easy path to affecting policy change whether we’re talking on the national, state, or local level. But among the tools available to give clarity to the conversation, economic contribution and economic impact analyses rank among the most widely used.
Topics: Data, Economics, Nonprofit, Contribution Analysis
Funding. It’s a word that strikes fear in public and private institutions alike. An almost sisyphean task that repeats on daily, monthly, annual cycles without end. It echos on the radio, online, in emails from museums, charities, and alma maters. And in the end, how do you know if the chase for funding had the desired, tangible effect?