Going Global: Introducing IMPLAN’s International Product

Written by Chandler West & Maria Lucas | January 11, 2023

For decades, IMPLAN data has been trusted by businesses, government entities, nonprofits, academics, and so many others as the most transparent portrait of the economy. Today, we’re pleased to announce that our ever-expanding data suite is “going global” – and helping you do the same.

We’re so excited to unveil IMPLAN’s International Product. With this new data set, we’re offering national-level insights into the economies of 64 countries around the world, representing 37 Industries and corresponding commodities.

A Closer Look

The bulk of the data within IMPLAN’s International Product is sourced from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). The models are created based on the OECD 2015 Input-Output tables in basic prices.

Now let’s take a quick look at the data sources we used to bring you the IMPLAN International Data.

Input-Output Data

This data is taken from the Input-Output Tables released by the OECD. These tables show the relationships between producers and consumers in the economies including the industry x industry tables. 

Final Demand includes:

  • Final consumption expenditure of households
  • Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
  • Final consumption expenditure of general government
  • Gross fixed capital formation
  • Changes in inventories
  • Net exports

Please note that in International Data sets, value added components are not the same as in other IMPLAN models. Value added components include:

  • Employee Compensation
  • Net Taxes on Products
  • Gross Operating Surplus
  • Other Taxes less than Other Subsidies on Production

Employment Data

Employment data comes from one or two main sources, depending on the data availability for each specific country.

  • WIOD: World Input-Output Database Socio-Economic Accounts employment data is used for the majority of our models' employment. As the most recent employment data published is from 2014, a growth rate based on ILO total employment by country is used to project the data to 2015 figures. Total employment figures used for this projection come from the International Labor Organization.
  • ILO: International Labor Organization employment by economic activity data is used in cases where WIOD does not provide enough coverage. ILO-modeled or Labor Force Survey (LFS) measurements are used - most often, ILO-modeled measurements are supplemented with LFS data in order to obtain full coverage. In cases where neither the ILO-modeled or LFS data provide enough sector coverage, ILO-modeled estimates are disaggregated using Employee Compensation.

In all cases, Employee Compensation comes from OECD's Input Output Value Added Components data.

Other Data

Other miscellaneous pieces of data are included in each OECD model. 

  • Land Area (Sq. Miles): The World Bank is usually the source for land area by country. While this data largely does not change year over year, it is typically verified by other myriad sources.

  • Population: The World Bank has population by year by country. The 2015 estimates are used in each model.

  • Average Household Size: The source for this data varies by country. The preference is to use a reputable government source from each country. 

  • Corporate Tax Rate: KPMG’s Corporate Tax Rate Tool is the primary source for corporate taxes by country.

  • Personal Tax Rate: KPMG’s Personal Tax Rate Tool is used for Personal Tax Rates. PricewaterhouseCoopers also provides tax on personal income data for some models.

  • Employer & Employee SS Tax: Most of our Employer SS tax and Employee SS tax data are pulled from KPMG’s personal tax rate tool.

  • Savings after tax income: OECD data is used for this.

Accessing International Data

If you’re already an IMPLAN subscriber, contact us today to learn how you can add the new data to your subscription.

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